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Trauma-Informed Psychotherapy

If you have encountered trauma and abuse, you know fear. You probably also know vulnerability and shame and guilt--and hopefully have found some courage to carry on.  You might carry some anxiety or depression or have some relationships that need improvement.  We get it and can meet you where you are in an atmosphere of compassion and understanding.

We will walk with you and listen carefully to your story to help you notice your strengths.  You need to see yourself as a person of worth despite surviving the unthinkable.  Let us help you discover how to make meaning of the past and place responsibility where it belongs so you can move forward with confidence.

Unlike talk therapy, one of the methods we use is EMDR, an integrated mind-body therapy that is well researched and has good outcomes.

Whether you want talk therapy or EMDR, we'll do our best to be attentive to your specific needs and will develop a plan of care that is unique to you.

Give us a call!